Monday, January 3, 2011

In Which She Explains the Nautical Theme

Why, when I live in humble land-locked Saskatchewan, is my blog so terribly nautically themed? Three reasons:
1. The British Royal Navy is a fantastic metaphor for University. You spend a ridiculously long time getting to where you want to be, working hard and facing death at every turn. Upon arrival you sit in port for a few weeks, revel in your success (if you haven't foundered somewhere off the coast of Gibraltar) and then pack up and go somewhere else. All the while exercising your Great Guns.
2. I used to live in Jolly Old E, and that is enough inspiration for any person to write like a Rear Admiral of the Blue.
3. I read Patrick O'Brian. I could explain to you what exactly that means, but it has already been done much better by Miracle Jones of the Fiction Circus
Use caution dears, the Fiction Circus reefs contain language inappropriate for delicate ladies.

I am in pre-med. I have delusions about living in the 19th century and talking shop with Dr. Maturin. I am humorous sometimes, I promise.

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