Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Fall in Love with Disney's Sleeping Beauty

Look, ladies and gents, I know finding that special someone can be difficult. Never fear darlings and dear ones! I am here to help. Well, I should say, Mr Walt Disney is here to help. Now you can know EXACTLY what it takes to fall deeply and eternally in love, with the help of Disney Princesses. Take for example Princess Aurora and Prince Philip. Follow their lead and you'll be prancing around on clouds in no time!

  1. Sing high enough to frighten dogs within a 5 km radius of your larynx. Your prince will be sure to hear you!
  2. Learn to speak to birds and squirrels. Birds and squirrels are professionals at falling in love. That’s why awkwardly talking to children about relationships is known as “taking about the birds and the squirrels”.
  3. Carry an owl around in a basket. Owl pheromones are extreme potent
  4. If you’re man, wear leggings, a tunic, a cape and a feather cap.
  5. Gallivant bravely through the woods on your mighty steed! Riding a horse is manly and will woo every girl in sight
  6. Back to the ladies; make sure the owl you carry around has a really fantastic set of eyebrows
  7. Men: make sure your clothes are all light enough to be stolen by small animals. The only way to find your lady is if you let the animals guide you.
  8. Ladies: Ankles on display. Always.
  9. Dance with animals in your future husband’s clothing. That way you won’t be embarrassed at the ball at the palace! Practice, practice, practice!
  10. Somehow fail to notice when a real, live man replaces the owl you were just dancing with.
  11. Allow the Disney chorus to take over as you waltz through the forest, only stopping to gaze out over a cliff where you can see a palace, framed by the setting sun and happy little doves everywhere. Bonus points if there’s little deer running around with garlands.
My cuteness validates your love!
Congratulations, you’re in love!